• Let's Chat, Let's Plan, Let's Get YOU in your NEW HOME!

9 am to 6 pm

Monday to Sunday

EXP Realty LLC

1230 Peachtree St. NE | Suite 1900 | Atlanta, GA 30309



Simply enter the price of the home in the box below and get an estimated TOTAL monthly payment range. The payments will include principal, interest, mortgage insurance, property taxes and hazard/homeowners insurance. All of these above can vary depending on your credit score, amount of your down payment, county where the home is located, etc. and that is why you get back a payment range.

Approximate Home Price Range you might qualify for and Approximate TOTAL Monthly Payment Range ABOVE after you enter your income information.

TOTAL Monthly Payments will vary based on your credit score, home price, interest rate, insurance premium, property taxes, down payment, etc. A Mortgage Specialist can calculate a total payment for you more precisely.